Lab Structure
A lab project is suggested by a department faculty member for purposes of research and mathematical visualization. WXML teams consist of a faculty mentor, graduate student, and 2-5 undergraduate students. The underlying goal of all WXML projects is to contribute to mathematical research while also making it accessible to the general public.
The full team is expected to meet every 2 weeks. Undergraduate and graduate members are expected to meet more often, with undergraduate members contributing 5-10 hours/week to the project. At the end of the quarter, teams present posters at the WXML open house.
WXML members are encouraged to participate in public engagement activities.
For Faculty
Once a project is accepted, the WXML will assemble a team consisting of typically 1 graduate student and 2-5 undergraduate students. Faculty mentors are responsible for regular meetings with the team (at least once every two weeks) as they work on the proposed project.
For Graduate Students
Graduate members of the WXML server as mentors to the undergraduate members in research teams. They are responsible for supervising progress on the project and proving both mathematical and technical support to the undergraduate student members.
Graduate students are strongly encouraged to take part in participate in public engagement activities.
For Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate students work in small teams (2-5) people under the mentorship of a graduate student and faculty member on a project involving visualization or computation in an active field of mathematics. In addition to research experience, students learn to present their mathematical work to both department members (through regular meetings) and the general public (through public engagement activities). Applications for Winter 2020 will open in early December.
Students are required to register for Math 399 and commit 5-10 hours/week to their project.
The minimum requirement for participation in the WXML is completion of Math 126 (Calculus 3) with a grade of B or better.